Photo courtesy of OctaviusB at stockxchange

Saturday, June 19, 2010


So, this blows my mind. I spoke with Nathan (super mega helpful dude at the National Parks Service Reservations number. When I asked about the Petrified Forest, I found (after calling the number specific to Petrified Forest National Park, that it is FREE to camp there. I was informed of this after calling the park directly and listening to thier automated message regarding this policy.

I found some pretty useful information, and have since decided that rather than booking all this sites, I'm just going to call the park directly, and get a person to say "My name is _____ and I am telling you that you may get here, to this office, by this time, on this date, you may stick your tent where you want (within reason) and only pay for entry to the park."
"When you camp on BLM, or National Forest land without staying in a campground, you are doing dispersed camping. Nearly all BLM and NF land is open to dispersed camping. I just drive along until I find a spot that will make a good campsite and then I pull in and set up camp. Very often the authorities will ask that you try to use existing campsites instead of making new ones. The main issue there is if you make a new campfire ring. These are unsightly and scar the land so they try to limit them."

Word. Sounds fabulous. AHHHHmazing.

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