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Friday, June 18, 2010

Cooking crap

Cooking/Eating ~ Camping Lists
Barbeque, camp stove, grill for campfire
(what does this even mean? I'll have to ask the bf. I'm somewhat camping illiterate, but the experiences I've had were amazing. I love those iron sandwich jawns. My favorite is pb and trailmix.)
*Boyf's reply
Which is of course, not available in stores.
Fuel for BBQ, stove, charcoal (ie...not sure yet)
Pot, pan
Matches, lighter
Cooler, Ice (enthuastic CHECK)
Plastic containers, zip lock bags
Plates, bowls, water bottles
Knives, forks, spoons
Cooking tools (flippers, grabbers, stirrers etc.)
Mixing bowl
Oven mitts

I'll have to consolidate this as best I can. And we really need to finalize accomidations...I messed up and thought my friend lived in Portland but she's in Seattle so that changes the route a bit. Finalizing all that and at least half our sleeping arangements is my goal for tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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